Kinda both a secret and confession

So I’m really fat and I know I’m fat, the world knows I’m fat, the person walking in-front of me can here my fat. And so I kinda stopped eating. And I don’t want to but I feel like it’s the best and I try to hint to my girlfriend that I am because I can’t stop on my own and I kinda just what some emotional help but she doesn’t care. Every time we text it’s always about how she thinks her mom hates her because her mom made her to the dishes or something and I don’t want to tell her after her rants because then I’ll just be putting the attention onto me and every time I even try to say or even hint at it I can’t even get to the part I want to say because it turns into a rant. And one time while on the phone I told her that I’m fat I should stop eating and all she said was “don’t” and doesn’t even cheek if I do or don’t because she knows that I’m so fat that I won’t do it because I’m a fatty that likes food. But I have but like I said I can’t bring it up because of all her rants. And.... idk thanks for listening if you read all this. Just wanted to get my feeling of neglect out. Sorry for wasting your time

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Posted at
You can lose a couple 100 lbs by dumping her.She doesn't care for you.All she cares about is herself and making herself center of attention by always complaining about her life and not letting you complain to get stuff off your chest.I love food too and am a fatty myself and attempting to lose weight. My man at least listens to me complain and offers advice unlike your useless self centered girlfriend.


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So here’s the thing, firstly you don’t need to put up with a partner that isn’t mentally & emotionally PRESENT in the relationship. It isn’t about you making it about you; that’s how life, conversations & relationships work. They talk about subject, you respond appropriately until subject ends; YOU talk about a subject and EXPECT an appropriate response and “don’t” is not an appropriate retort. Second, you are clearly struggling through some things, body image, self worth, boundaries, interpersonal relationships, and I commend you for reaching out and asking for help. Good for you!!! The first step in changing something is recognizing an issue, acknowledging it & asking for help. However, just bc you are “fat” doesn’t make you ANY less of a person. If you want to lose weight bc of health issues & you want to feel better; bad ass!! If your doing it for any other reason im going to tell you it won’t work. I’m fat, & twice in my life I have lost over 100+ LBS. It’s not easy, you need a GOOD support system & it’s a LIFESTYLE change. But hold your head up! You’ll get there; in the mean time stop being so hard on yourself & get a better GF bc you are worth it & you ARE beautiful just the way you are!!


Posted at
Fuck yea I love FOOD!!!!!!