

I need a break. Or vacation. Something.

Maybe just a date night out would be nice.

Today we started the day with my baby screaming and crying for no apperently reason. She didn't want food she didn't wanna go to sleep, she wasn't upset over a dirty diaper, singing to her didn't do a thing...

And then she ate a tiny bit of food and went to sleep.

She wakes up happy and I'm delighted because I think the test of the day will be normal then. But no. She starts crying again, complaining, not wanting to do any of the things that usually work.

So it's just noon now and I've had two break downs already. To top it of my house is a disgusting mess, we get visitors this weekend, cleaning service can't come beforbefore next week and my bunny isn't eating and need help to get her stomach going.

I just wanna curl up on the bed and cry and sleep this day away. I hate everything about this day already 😔