Husbands Attitude

Adreanna • Wife💑💍 Mother👼🏽👼🏽👶🏽 Student 👩🏾‍🎓

So today my husband was frustrated with a car company for taking extra money out of his account. I called the company to speak to someone he contacted to talk over me while I’m on the phone. Then our daughter started talking and he tells her to shut up... he lost his bank card yesterday and I was going to go pick it up but when I asked him the place he said no one would give me sh*t. Before I could say anything he starts driving crazy and yell at me for calling the company and he tells me that I’m stupid and hard headed for calling them and wasting my mf time!! My mother said leave it alone don’t bring it up but I’ve been super sad and super sick all day. Can someone please lead me in the right direction!!