Getting my hopes up?


I’ve never had “regular periods” my entire life. Also, I’ve been taking birth control to regulate my periods ever since I was a teenager.

The only time I wasn’t on BC a couple years ago, was a span of a couple months my doctor suggested to try and see if my body could figure itself out and maybe I could have a monthly cycle on my own. I would go months without periods and finally, I got a huge surprise when I got pregnant with my son.

Fast forward, my son is 5 and my husband and I are ready to add to our little family. So I’ve been off of birth control since March.

I finally got my first period on my own in July since I stopped taking BC, my next period is due in two days. (That’s if my body decides to be regular which that has never happened yet lol)

I’ve had so many pregnancy symptoms, but of course the tests were negative. Should I even bother checking my ovulation days anymore if I’m not having regular cycles? I’m just tired of getting my hopes up.

Someone please tell me that there’s a light at the end of the tunnel and it’s just too soon to try after so many years of birth control? I’ll take any positive advice I can get ❤️