Joining the April 2020 club!


Well, we discussed having another baby & I stopped taking birth control for a little over a week right when we left for vacation. This was the second week of July and I just started my period. We told our family & their response was pretty lackluster. They said nothing at all & my SIL pulled me aside to remind me how much work it would be.

After that, I felt pretty discouraged and decided to go back on birth control when we got back from vacation. I didn’t mention it to my husband right away & figured we would have a talk later. A few days ago, we were chatting & decided maybe we should wait a little while. So, I felt like we were on the same page & we could revisit the topic again at another time. Our first son is going to be 3 next month.

My boobs have been sore for a couple of days & ive been nauseous from not eating in the morning (I practice intermittent fasting, so it’s unusual for me to get these “hunger waves” nowadays). I decided just to take a test on my lunch break & there it was- clear as day!!

Now question is, how do I tell my husband? I can’t hold out another whole day.. it’s already been 5 hours. I work for one more hour & have a 45 minute commute home.. I’m a little nervous since we just decided to wait a little longer, but what’s meant to be will find a way! 💖 according to this app, I’m 4w 5d.