Had a miscarriage per my on today


Hey everyone so like most women here I have had a hard time with pregnancies I have had numerous miscarriages, ectopic and 1 tube permanently removed. I gave up hope of conceiving and back in oct 2018 I got my only tube left repairs in hopes of pregnancy. I had another surgery on that same tube and Thank god the tube was still good. I was taking tests and getting faint lines then Sunday the lines got really light and Monday I started bleeding. I never passed anything and stopped bleeding today. My dr did an exam and said yeah ur not bleeding let’s do blood work they called me 45 mins later said I was miscarrying my numbers were at 5. I cried and laid in bed but then one of my friends called and said hey you are able to get pregnant as before the tubal repair I wasn’t so it gave me faith and hope that I will carry at least I know I can actually get pregnant after 13yrs....