My period is SO messed up...

Does anyone have experience with this after having a baby?

Before having my daughter my period was spot on to the day of when it would start. It would always be light the first day, ridiculously heavy the next 2, and then get lighter from there until it stopped normally after 5-6 days.

My period came back at 7w PP even though I was EBF. I stopped breastfeeding at 12w when I went back to work. It still stayed about ever 5 days long and predictable.

Ever since June my period has started around 4 days early. It has been super light bleeding for 4-5 days and then my normal period starts. But I’m bleeding for around a total of 9-10 days the past few months! What the heck is going on? I’m 11 months PP now and my husband and I are talking about trying for #2 and it’s making me nervous that something is wrong with how weird they are now. Has this happened to anyone else?