Baby Blake made her debut after a long induction and vacuum assist.


Baby Blake was born on 8.9.19 at 5lb 10oz after a scheduled induction due to GH.

On Tuesday 8.6 I went in for my scheduled induction at 7am. As soon as I get checked in and setup on the monitors I found out I was already having some contractions so i thought great this shouldn’t take too long to get things going.. i was wrong! After 3.5 days into the induction things finally started to kick into gear. The first morning of my induction I was given cytotec twice that was a small pill that dissolved in my cheek then at night was given Cervidil, inserted in my cervix overnight for about 12 hours to help soften my cervix for pit the next morning. They did this because i was only 1.5cm dilated and 60% effaced. Let me tell you... the Cervidil insert is superrrr uncomfortable going in but totally finally after it’s in place. Next morning, day 2, they start me on pitocin and increase me every 30 mins on that. I started to slowly feel contractions but nothing crazy like people say contractions can get using pitocin. That night I was only dialated to 2cm and 70% effaced so they decide to do another night of Cervidil - yuck. Next morning, day 3, I was still at a 2cm dialated and now 80% effaced. Things were moving at a snails pace but I was trying to be as calm as possible. I started back on pitocin and started feeling serious pain with my contractions after being on pitocin again all day. I had tried to get some sleep around like 10pm that night but woke up from a dead sleep at 11pm, literally jumped out of the bed because the contractions got so painful I couldnt even sit or breathe thru it. Immediately I ask the nurse for an epidural. I really wanted to go natural but that shit went out the window so fast!! I’m super scared of needles but ladies,.. if you’re scared of getting an epidural it’s really not bad at all. The worst part is the numbing process and that’s not even bad! After my epidural was in I was placed in bed with a peanut ball for about 1.5 hrs and holy shit i went from 3cm to 9.5cm and 95% effaced. Before I even realize it there were 6 nurses in the room saying it’s time to push! My epidural was starting to wear off during the actual delivery and was made to use a mirror to help motivate my pushing since i pushed for 3 hours!!! Doctor finally decided it would be best to use a vacuum assist since things were taking a long time and I’m glad my doctor did. During delivery the nurses had me doing all kinds of different positions and tricks to help push my baby out but she just got stuck in the canal and couldn’t get any further down. I felt such instant relief when my baby finally came out but once the placenta was delivered... omgggg that was the best feeling in the world.

I still cant believe my induction took so long but my baby girl is here and my life is complete! My biggest recommendation is to always advocate for yourself, follow what your body is telling you to do. Postpartum recovery is no joke and would recommend having a support system setup to help you at home even if it’s someone coming by for an hr a day to let you nap - take all the help you can get because it’s a huge transition but us women were made for this!