Help me!!?

So I am 16 and so is my boyfriend. Him and I had our 1 year anniversary on August 9th and we have never had sex we are both still virgins. and I’m sorry if I sound dumb America has never taught me sex Ed. But we decided to be a little intimate and he rubbed his penis on my vagina (obviously without underwear) and we both checked to see if he had any leakage is what we like to call it which is small drops of precum. He even squeezed his tip and felt around the area and he didn’t feel anything, I did the same thing. So we felt as if we were in the clear. And he rubbed his penis on my vagina then after that he fingered me. And I’m afraid if there was precum that he could’ve pushed it up when he fingered me. (And this all happed 4 days after my fertile window so I had a 3% chance of pregnancy, and I had 9 days before my next period) Then a day after on August 11th we decided to do the same thing and again he checked and didn’t feel anything he even squeezed his tip to make sure nothing came out, and he said there was nothing. But I decided to take my phone flashlight and hold it over and check and this time we saw like clear stuff but he did pee like 20 minutes before. But I feel like it was precum so I didn’t let him rub his penis on me obviously. But now I’m afraid that the first time he rubbed his penis on me on August 9th that we could’ve missed any precum? Idk but I’m afraid now that I’m pregnant. So someone please help. I have 4 days now before my next period. but I have read that if you do something so close to your period that it will start whether your pregnant or not and you will have to wait for your next months period to actually know. Like is that true?? Like since we did that 9 days before my period Is that too close to my period to know if I were to be pregnant or not? Like if I were to get pregnant on that day would this months period start still or would it not happen? If this doesn’t make sense I’m sorry I don’t know how to word it.