The worst roommates ever

So this year I moved into a place where I had agreed to live with two other guys. My boyfriend was okay with it and they seemed nice so I gave it a shot. So I move in and just a few days later one of the guys’ gf basically starts moving in. They argue all the time, and when I say argue I mean yell for everyone in the neighborhood to hear. At this point I’m working full time, coming home and going straight to sleep and spending the weekends at my boyfriend’s so the drama in the house so far doesn’t seem bad since I’m hardly home. Few weeks later I hear the other guys’ girlfriend will also be moving in. (Ended up being the best thing that happened in the house?) At this point I’m home all the time since my boyfriend’s job relocated him and we’re having to be a part. That’s when my at home life turned to shit. I had kept to myself for the most part but decided I should hang with my roommates more often and I noticed a pattern of everyone talking about one another. At first it was about little things but that quickly escalated. I am trying to stay neutral because taking someone’s side while living with couples could never end well. Well to my surprise I start hearing stuff about me that I had never said or could’ve even thought to say. Not only was the most toxic person in the house making everyone uncomfortable but he started making up lies about everyone in the house to get us to turn against one another. It’s to the point where I feel uncomfortable going to the kitchen, doing laundry, definitely would not hang in the living room, I feel like I have no place to let my guard down even for a second. Not gonna lie this year has kicked my ass. My father passed away, I live in a state where I know no one, I start getting so depressed I can’t even look people in the eye or even start a conversation. Lol I just went on this rant because I figured no one is going to read it. So yeah now to suffer through another day🙂 not too much longer. The lease is over in a month but by sounds of it, no one will be able to make it through another full month.