Possible stupid TTC question 😂


Okay so this might be a weird question or TMI for some people.

So, my husband and I have been trying for a year and a half. We dont have a schedule for sex and do it either every day or sometimes only every 3-4 days. But we also do it multiple times a lot. What I mean is we'll be going at it, he finishes, we lay there for a minute then he gets frisky and gets going again.

Now that I've given you all way too much info 😅 here's the question. Do you think that having sex immediately afterwards could be causing his spunk to come back out/not enough getting where it needs to go? Should I stop letting him continue like this? Because I wonder sometimes if I'm basically just pushing it all back out and yeah I know those swimmers are fast and get where they need to go quickly but I just wonder if this could be delaying us actually getting pregnant.