
I’m 9 days late. Which I have an IUD so maybe it’s just that. But I’m so nervous to take a test. I mean I don’t think there’s any way that I’m pregnant since the condom never broke, but still.

I’ve never had to take a pregnancy test before. Maybe it’s the IUD making my period late. But I am just so nervous about taking a test! I’ve had period symptoms on and off, but no blood.

I have my regular discharge but no spotting or anything.

I know some women stop having periods on the IUD and maybe that’s what’s happening, but I’m so nervous.

I have no one to tell this to, so I’m posting it here. The condom didn’t break, so it would be impossible to be pregnant right? We’re careful.

Plus, I still love with my parents since I’m in college, so I don’t even know how I can get a test and take it without anyone knowing.

Please help. I don’t know what to do.