Strange mark on hand

Cora • Mom of three💖💖💙 | Licensed Hairdresser🖤

Wiccan here👋🏻

So the other night I connected with my Tarot cards. I cleansed them and made a connection with them to make them my own. Anyway, after my reading, I cleansed them again and stored them away in my box that has latches on it so it stays closed when my objects are not in use.

I had the strangest sleep that night too. I slept for what seemed like 12+ hours and woke up feeling like a whole new person.

And later that morning I noticed a mark on my hand that wasn’t there before. I’ve never seen it before but it’s right between my ring finger and pinky finger. It won’t go away and it’s not a callus. It’s not a burn that I know of either.

I’ve read about witches marks and all that and I’m just wondering if maybe that could be the case here. I didn’t have it until I touched my personal deck of Tarot cards.