Baby started crying over diaper change...again!

From the hospital, he would cry through every diaper change for the first 2 weeks of his life. Back then we thought he had a traumatic experience with the nurse who once let him cry 10 minutes straight because she was trying to show my husband how it is done but midway started talking. I was in the room recovering from a C-section and my instinct told me the child crying was mine and having known him for 2 days, I knew he was usually quiet and calm. It was so abnormally long I got out of bed and walked there slowly in pain but still found him crying. Damn I was mad. My husband said she said it is normal for them to cry. Just let them! I was crying myself and told him I never want my child to be that traumatised just because it is normal. I know a normal cry and one where parent is pushing it.

Anyway. Fast forward, baby made 7 weeks and on Sunday I went to church..again and everyone wanted to carry him, I knew he was hungry, and sleepy but he was so quiet and calm I let him be carried around. Was finally having free hands. But I pushed it. When he needed to sleep, and eat, I knew I had to first change diaper so he can sleep longer and I had delayed on that too. Well, his diaper was so dirty it got me a while to clean him so he cried the hell out of himself.i calmed him after. Next two diaper changes he was quiet but next day, he cried through every diaper change starting almost immediately after laying him down. My dad noticed he didn't want to be laid down on his back. Only a few times would he allow. I thought stomach pain. And truly he last had a bowel movement on sunday and didn't have one again until Wednesday. But those 3 days he has cried through every diaper change.

Now I wonder when this will stop because it even makes me slower in Changing his diaper so he cries even longer. Is this the mental leap or just hates the diaper change again due to the Sunday experience? Or is it the stomach pain? I want my calm baby back.

Update: thanks guys for the replies and for reading. I know I wrote a lot. I now either warm the daipers or clean him slowly and gently while helping him first get used to the cold. Also I make sure he is not so hungry. To shorten the diaper experience, I do undress him slowly while feeding of need be. And I put him down slowly so he gets comfortable being down and try to make sure he has STH to distract him. He is still not as content as before but he doesn't cry most time. Thanks for the tips.