Missed Miscarriage at 10 weeks


Unfortunately, I had to leave the March 2020 group as I was told yesterday, my baby has no heartbeat. I had a scan at almost 9 weeks that showed baby was 7 + 4. Last week, I had brown spotting, then bright red blood after sex, then more brown spotting. I got my repeat scan at 10 weeks and was told (over the phone, 2 hours later), that the baby has stopped growing about a week after the first scan and was measuring 8 + 3 and no cardiac activity was noted. So, I have a missed miscarriage from my understanding.

I have no more bleeding whatsoever. Some mild - moderate cramps. I see the midwife in the am to make my decisions.

I have spent 2 hours reading online about the risks of each procedure. I am a SAHM with a 21 MO and no family present in the area (closest is 6 hours away). Husband is military and has a very demanding position.

We are new to the area and so I’m not super familiar with this midwife group.

I read a study that said Misoprostol worked best in women under 35, with active bleeding or pain in the last 24 hours and RH-. It was from the NIH. However, I also read that the D and C may increase pre term labor (study of 2k women in Amsterdam).

I am a RN but terrified at the thought of experiencing the pain and bleeding that was reported with Misoprostol by what I have read from other moms.

If you have read this far, I’m super thankful. I would appreciate anything anyone takes the time to share. This is a terrifying position to be in.