don’t think i’m paranoid anymore

so i made a post a week ago or so saying i think i might be pregnant and i still do. i took a test and it was negative but it was also still early at the time. when i took the test it was only two weeks after(aug 9) i had sex(july 27). my period is supposed to come in a week or so but i’ve been having A LOT of the symptoms. so at this point i don’t know if i’m just in denial or i’m psyching myself out a bit.

symptoms i’ve had:




MOOD SWINGS LIKE A MFER( like seriously i was having a whole breakdown today and ten minutes later i’m scrolling laughing on ig)

little bit of lightheadedness


and nausea

today i had some chest pains

so yeah opinions? thoughts ?

i’m taking another test around the 26-28 that is IF my period doesn’t come.

sorry it’s kinda lengthy 🥴