Advice needed!


Hello - this is our first month TTC and I’m so confused about what is going on with my body - I swear it’s my brain playing tricks on me 😂

So my typical cycle is around 33 - 34 days - on day 30 (around 10dpo) I had what I would describe as light spotting and it lasted for 3 - 4 days, getting much lighter as the days went on. Definitely not heavy like my normal period flow, probably TMI but it only required a panty liner. which didn’t need to be changed throughout the day, it only caught a few spots.

The last 2 days I’ve had instances of brown coloured CM. I’m currently on day 36 and feeling very confused about what is happening, I was expecting the bleeding to get heavier then I would have known it was AF come early. I have done a few tests and they are coming back negative. I just want my period to come properly so I can get started on the next cycle!

In your experience, would any of the prenatal vitamins cause a lighter period? If anyone has any ideas they would be gratefully received - Sara xx