Do you delete old pictures or tags from Facebook of people who are no longer in your life..

Ebony • Be The Love We Need In The World

Ok so last year I had enough of drama and negativity in my life and decided to delete over 900 people off my Facebook and changed my Fb name and changed my number so people would get the point to leave me tf alone.. So now when fb memories pop up and some of the people still have me tagged in old pics or post as a way of saying this chapter in my life is over, I delete them.. Some of the people I had known over 20 years but the past few years they caused me nothing but stress so I cut them off too.. Best decision I ever made, life is better to guide through now I got rid of what was weighing me down.. I have a way better support team for the tough days and I don't live in bitterness anymore because of all the nasty things said and done.. I held myself accountable for my part in the negativity and now when the memories pop up I just don't care to be reminded of the people who mislead me, used me and lied to me and talked badly about me for years.. So freeing to finally be completely ready to move on with my life....💙💙💙💙🥀🥀

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