Was this creepy or am I overreacting ?

So I was checking the list of who’s going to start in my class and looking them up on Instagram, one of them was a girl with a fitness account where she posted a picture of her in bikini. I showed my mom the picture and said that she was so pretty and she told me to show the picture to my stepdad. He was like “ omg she looks so much older “ and all that. My mom then told me that no one is more beautiful than me and that I have a gorgeous body too and there’s no reason for me to be insecure etc. Then my stepdad agreed with her. That’s when it got uncomfortable for me. He said that my body is very good for someone who doesn’t go to the gym and that I indeed should be proud of how my body looks.

And earlier that day he parked the car and said that the space on my side of the door was too small, “ not that you are fat or anything, you have a really nice body “ he said. I never feel comfortable wearing tight clothes around him because he stares a lot, so I always wear sweatpants and hoodies when I’m there. And my mom never reacts when he says stuff like that. It has happened a couple of times. He’s 39 and I’m 16. Would you feel uncomfortable too?