How many of you are with partners who have differing opinions on having kids?


Background story leading to me asking my question -

Having children is something I’ve always wanted right from a young age (I’m 22 now) and as I get closer to what I perceive to be a “good” childbearing age, I’ve been discussing the possibility with my partner more often. I’m his first relationship and he never even considered becoming a father til he met me but we’ve talked about it and he’s warming to the idea.

HOWEVER, he’s still unsure. Mainly because we’ve both got severe mental health issues ourselves and in our families so that’s a concern. He’s scared of passing stuff on and fucking our kids up basically. The second reason being he doesn’t want to bring a child into the world as it is as he doesn’t think it’s good enough. Personally I agree, it’s shit, but I still want kids.

I’ve been thinking that if he decides he definitely couldn’t do it and didn’t want to become a father, I’d respect that and still stay with him. I know it’s a huge decision to make but I believe there’s a whole lot more to a relationship and a person than just being there to make a baby with and be a parent. My best friend on the other hand has made it clear to her partner that if by the age of 25 he still doesn’t want kids, she’s moving on and finding someone who does.

Everyone’s different ofc but I was wondering if any of you are keen on kids but are with partners who aren’t as sure or clear on their future with no children?