Told him I wasn't happy

My s.o and I had some issues I'm still trying to get through. We have a toddler and a newborn so I'm really trying to make it work. Last night, after nights of no sleep (we have a 2 week old baby at home) and frustration. I admitted to him I'm not happy. That's all I said though. I didn't say anything else. I cried myself back to sleep because I finally admitted it to myself. He was half asleep and I'm guessing he didn't remember because he woke up this morning as if nothing I acted like I didn't say what I said eithier. We've been together for 14 years and I really don't want to throw that away. He's a good guy. He works hard, he provides for me and my children and I know he still loves me. Humans make mistakes. I've made some bad ones myself and, no he didn't cheat, but he did lie to me and kept something from me for a very long time. I can't leave right now, having a newborn and a toddler, I stay at home so I'm staying because I literally have no where else to go. I know some relationships go through some rocky roads and come out stronger in the end, I'm just hoping that happens here.

Edit: the things he kept from me were: he had a close female friend, I don't like opposite sex friends and he lied to me about it. I was very uncomfortable with how close he allowed himself to get to this other woman. She told me nothing ever happened and he was a good friend she went to to talk about her own divorce. A few years ago we went through something and he tried sleeping with another girl. His sisters friend to top it off. This happened 9 years ago and I recently just found out because the girl was still trying to contact him. Once in lied to it's hard for me to believe anything anyone tells me. All I keep thinking is what else could he be keeping from me?