Just a vent.....

I'm really so over TTC and trying to figure out wtf me and SO are doing wrong. I dont freaking get it! 🤯. I'll NEVER understand why so many good couples that deserve a child CAN NOT GET PREGNANT but dope heads, prostitutes, child abusers and everyone else who doesn't deserve a child are fertile and produce kids like freaking rabbits! I AM SO JEALOUS of them. There are so many good women on here that have spent thousands and thousands of dollars trying to get pregnant and ol Jenny from the block has sex ONCE for drugs and gets pregnant INSTANTLY🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯 for example, why did my cousin grt pregnant 8 times EIGHT FREAKING TIMES just to turn around and have EIGHT FREAKING ABORTIONS because she didnt want another child and I had to have a miscarriage. I'm tired of having sex, I'm tired of tracking, I'm tired of checking my CM, I'm tired of waiting 2 damn weeks with such high Hope's because we did everything right just to get AF or see 1 line on a test.

To all my ladies I feel you! And I pray for you to get that baby you deserve and desperately want. One day it'll be ours somehow, someway I truly believe it even though right now I'm so angry and emotional and I have no where else to go because no one I know understands my frustration!!!!
