Prayers needed

I’m trying to maintain in good spirits although deep down I’m a little sad. I’m down because my son has a rash mostly on his back, stomach, chest, and arms from a fungus from where we don’t know (don’t know if it was his soap/ shampoo we were using that was a gift, the water here in this new country, or what) and it seemed to be spreading but it is slowly clearing up, we think. It looks horrible to me on his back. He doesn’t seem to be uncomfortable and is laughing, smiling, and babbling more and more each day. That’s the good part. I’ve kept this from my mom because knowing her she’d somehow turn this into my fault. The doctor has us putting clomatrazol (generic lotrimin) on it and using a local soap she recommended. I’m praying that my son doesn’t need more aggressive treatment and that it just needs a little more time. Most stuff I’ve read says give it 4 weeks. It’s been at least two. He turns 4 months old on Saturday which means it’s time for his next round of shots. My mom spotted some discoloring on his arm and said it must be hives which she says is normal for babies. Anyway I hope it just looks worse before it gets better.