Worried about not socializing my baby


When i was pregnant i moved to a different state, and in with my mom. I was sick during pregnancy so i couldnt work or anything like that, and now im going to school starting in the fall. So i havent made a single friend since ive moved here last year. From when my daughter was 8 weeks to about 5 months she was in a daycare attached to a school i was going to. I did go back to my home town for 6 weeks last month, and it was so great having my lo meet all my friends and some of their babies. She loved it! Now being back here and nowere to go and no one to see during the day i feel like im not socializing her enough. She has started to get very clingy with me and wont let anyone but me and my mom and stepdad hold her. I know its also partially her age but i still wonder if the lack of people around her has made it worse than it would be. Im not a SUPER social person but i am able to make friends i just feel like i havent had an opportunity since i moved here. I also get really intimidated with mom groups because i just feel like im in such a different place than alot of moms if that makes sense. I want to find a mom group for my daughter the anxiety about it though is what stops me, does anyone get that? Any positive (or negative) experiences with mom groups? Just trying to get a feel for what it might be like

Edit-- sorry for the all-over-the-place post, im currently trying to transition my daughter to her crib and am running of about an hour and half of sleep 😂😭