I cried while we had sex😕


I got out of a long relationship of five years with someone who was abusive. He used me, gaslighted me, manipulated me and all the abusing things you’d search up (not kidding)...it was a relief that I got out because I never would have known what it’s like to have someone like my current boyfriend. He’s the sweetest thing on earth. He my rock, best friend and soulmate. He understands me and supports me. When it comes to our sex life, its amazing. I’ve never connected with anyone like that before. One day when we were having sex I just started crying and my boyfriend started panicking. He thought he was hurting me or something. He immediately stopped and started holding me, asking me what’s wrong. I cried because I love him so much and I was scared of him leaving me or using me. Like I was used before. But it was also happy tears because had found this sweet boy who seems to really care about me. He said to me “I’m so sorry, I ruined everything” but I immediately told him he didn’t, and That I loved every second of it. Because I did. I kept crying in his arms and it eventually made him cry. Because none of us had felt this with anyone. I never want to lose him. Ever.