You think we’ll get it?

Bf and I found an apartment and filled out an application for it. Didn’t turn them in today because we want to have all proof of income ready. We’re going in tuesday to drop off all the papers, pay the $90 for both applications, and the $400 security deposit (which we get back if we don’t get picked). It’s under renovation and she said once it goes up, it’s gone. We believe we’re the first to put a deposit down since she hadn’t actually put it up online that it was available yet. I somehow got lucky with calling them and asking earlier this last Monday.

Rent is 1400, and she told us we had to make 2x the rent (but she said all they wanted to see was proof we can pay rent). Seems pretty standard by all the places we’ve looked at. Anyway, my bf has over $14,000 in the bank saved up + his new job which he gets $1200 a month (before tax). I... don’t have a job. Been trying for literal months in our hometown, but nobody will hire me so I gave up 2 months ago and have been stressing since. I do however get over $1000 from fafsa since I go to college. When I update my papers I might get even more to help with living expenses. Either way my boyfriend and I are confident we’re going to get the place since he has so much saved up. As soon as we get moved in (possibly), I’m going to jump on applying everywhere around us. I saw so many hiring signs and got so excited for all the opportunities. I’ve been out of work for almost a year now and I’ve been in such a mental rut because of it. Renovations should be complete in 2 weeks, and I’m FREAKING OUT!!!!