3 days veryyyy faint positive..


Hello everyone! Im looking for some input and advice as I am sure Im not the only one to have experienced something like this.

The last 2 months my period decided to go out of wack and change things up. For years my period has started on the 10th of the month, occasionally the 9th or the 11th but always right around there. In June, I had my period on the 10th that lasted 5 days, and then randomly another period started around the 20th. Called my doc, she checked me out and said this can happen, no big deal, and things should regulate again soon. July came with no period on the 10th, but it did start around the 20th again so I figured this would be my new start date from now on. Its made <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android">tracking ovulation</a> and my period a little challenging as I get my ques from my body rather than testing (ovulation based on eggwhite cm, breast tenderness, increased sex drive etc.) So, not knowing really when my period would start this month, I decided to take a pregnancy test this past Tuesday , August 13th. What I got was an extemely faint positive, a light pink line. Similar to a very faint line I got back in April when I tested before my period, a line that got darker for a few days before it inevitably faded and I had a chemical pregnancy.

I called my doctor immediately on Tuesday after the faint positive to discuss things and she put me on 200mg progesterone oral pills as we had discussed that this might be a good option for me previously. She said it definitely couldnt hurt. I am very grateful to have a doctor that listens to my concerns and is always willing to chat and come up with options. So i started the pills Tuesday.

Wednesday morning, same very faint positive. Thursday morning, same very faint positive.

Its tricky with the progesterone pills because they produce side effects similar to early pregnancy symptoms such as sore boobs, and I have been pretty dang emotional, everything makes me want to cry. I also have that feeling that a cold is coming on which is a common early pregnancy symptom for me but again, tough to say with the progesterone. I know it can also delay a period, and I havent started yet but who knows what would happen if I wasnt on the pill.

So my question is, has anyone had very faint positive tests a few days in a row and gone on to have success? Anyone been in a similar situation that would share their story with me? I go for blood work Monday, just looking to get some feedback ahead of time.

Thanks so much, baby dust to all!