How to blow off that annoying question.


Okay ladies I need some advice. I am coming up on my one year wedding anniversary (yay! ❤8.18) and what most of you have dea

lt with yourself, I am constantly getting the "oh when are you going to start trying" question on what feels like a dailey basis.

Family and coworkers that I am close to know that we are trying and are also struggling...but I dont want to share this with everyone who ask me for many reasons.(I have reasons to believe my husband and I cant have kids) The last few months trying have been really hard for me and every month we try and flo still calls every month, I get more depressed over the fact. So obviously when I am asked this question by completely strangers or family who dont understand our issues, part of me just wants to snap on them. I need help on what to say to people because I am at the point that the last old man at my work who made a comment I literally just ignored him and acted like I didnt hear him. Fyi he proceeded to say it to me until he knew I heard him. I just hate answering this question but I dont want to come off rude. So someone please lend me your guidance!!!