Falling Off the Wagon and Getting Back On

Hey yall! So recently, I joined a gym, got off my college meal plan, started eating better, and lost about 26 pounds since mid-may. Which is great, right? But two days ago, I moved back home for the rest of the summer, and since then, literally have had a physical impulse where I cant stop eating. I already feel so gross- not in like an oh I I failed and I dont like my body way, just I literally feel bloated and heavy and have less energy because Im used to controlling all the food that came in and out of my apartment, so it was basically all whole foods with less carbs. It's not that I think Im going to gain weight or cant forgive myself from two days of bad eating, but this is a kind of cycle that happens pretty much everytime Im home and around so much food and so many options. Looking for some concrete advice and strategies and things to actually do to stick with it. Thanks for reading all the way thru and good luck to all in their own health journeys💕