Do you believe in signs?

For the past week or so I’ve just had a gut feeling that I’m pregnant, it felt like nerves but I had nothing to be nervous about. Which is weird for me bc I always wish to be pregnant but have never felt this way. I even cried on my way to buy a test bc I was so scared of it being positive (even tho you want it, its still scary no matter what) so I go to the first local store....doesn’t even sell tests. On my way to the second store and my gas light comes on. So I get to the closest gas station and it is packed. Get gas and high tail it to the next store. Get to the next store...they have ONE BOX left of the cheap blue dyes. So even tho I was hesitant bc I wanted FRER, I got it anyway. Got home opened the test, both tests were faulty bc they already had the negative sign visible on them. But desperate me took them anyway and the verdict: negative. I bawled my eyes out like a baby. I mean gut wrenching crying which I never do at the sight of a negative test, usually just disappointed and wait for AF. AF is due today and no sign. Fingers crossed that I just need to wait a couple days🤞🏼