Spit up

Does anyone else’s baby spit up almost every feed? He’s breastfed and sometimes bottle with breast milk. He’s a “happy spitter” but my goodness!

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Mine spits up especially at night. It’s mind if scary because she sounds like she’s choking and gasping for air


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My guy spits up at EVERY SINGLE FEED. Sometimes he spits up per side he nursed too. He goes through several outfit changes because he even spits up during naps up to 1 1/2 hours even after nursing. I change my clothes 2-3 times a day from projectile spit up. It’s always either all down my front or back. Don’t get me started on our poor couch. We’ll be buying a new one because he’s pretty much ruined it.


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mine does at first i was really concerned but the doctor says it’s normal as long there isn’t red in it or it look like he’s hurting when spitting up


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The lactation consultant told me some babies are just spitters!!


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Mine. Unfortunately it’s normal. I think mine also has reflux (not happy when he spits up. He screams and arches in pain). The doc gave us Zantac for the pain but said it won’t help with the spit up. I am still deciding if the pain seems bad enough to medicate him or if it is just exacerbated but standard evening fussiness. (He is mostly fine during the day).


Posted at
My girl is 26 days and she started really spitting up this past week. I am going to try mommy's bliss gripe water today to see if that helps.