I finally let him go after six years 😭

I was in a toxic relationship for years. He broke up with me and it was the worst time of my life. I was so messed up from it. It ruined me. Then I got myself back up again five months later and felt okay. Then he came back right when I was doing better and I let him in when I shouldn’t have. So for the past four months I’ve been off and on with him again. The off was because of him and because he is very manipulative. He would say he loved me and we got into an official relationship then he’d break up with me. I tried to find someone else and as soon as he knew I liked someone else he’d say he wanted me back and didn’t want me with them. But in reality he didn’t want me he just didn’t want anyone one else to want me either. So I believed him and let him back in and as soon as I realized how bad it was I cut him off. Then I came back because I was sooo hurt. I kept taking pills to make me sleep and I was just so depressed. Once I came back I realized I wasn’t happy either way so I might as well go back to having him out of my life. That was yesterday. Yes I cried but I am not sad. I feel amazing. I cry a little. I mostly cry happy tears and I am so proud of myself because I’ve never felt like this. I’ve never felt okay without him but I know that I don’t need him anymore. He’s basically just a big pos right?

I really hope if anyone else is struggling with someone like this they just let them go. It is hard but after you get enough of the crap it’s easier.