White line - FRER


Hey everybody! TWW with potential baby #4 and I have had all of the classic symptoms that I had with my other 3: sore boobs, pinching and pulling in my pelvic area, crying over basically everything, threw up last night (but I think that was unrelated), and mood swings. I’m only 7-8dpo at this point and know that I shouldn’t have tested, but I couldn’t help myself. I tested on a frer and got this white line on it. I’m fairly positive I’m just looking at an indent that I have read about on other boards, but I was curious if anyone else has had this white line come up early and get a bfp later. And yes, I know, I opened it and it voids the test yada yada yada, but the white line looked exactly the same in the window of the test. It was just easier to take a pic of it like this.