False negative blood??!?


Hey there!

Has anyone any idea on this one?

I am 5months postpartum, I do opks everyday to see how my LH levels look now as I am still breastfeeding. After ovulation tracked by OPKs, I had a psychical feeling of it too, the second line didn't want to fade so much and after 3 days started to be the same as control one until today (16dpo). I got scared, as exactly this way I found out about my 2 last pregnancies.

After couple of days of getting second line very dark, I tested on HCG tests and got faint line on couple of them.

So, just to confirm for 100% I did blood test and got negative - result was super low for the first time in my life <0,2.

What to think about it? For sure I will keep an eye on myself for the next days and probably will see AF but I have no idea what to think about this situation... My Gyn just said that I am not pregnant ...

Thanks for any comments!!!

Have a nice weekend