PILs visit - please help me survive!

Sorry, bit of a weird post! My in-laws are staying with us for the first time since my LO was born (5 months) and I’m being put through the mill with all my Mummy hormones!! My mother in law mentioning that she’s always wanted a 3rd child, then my father in law giving her several mouth kisses🤮, followed by a load of out of character word-Vom, how much he loves her and how he’s going to take her home to live with (I think he’s had 6-8 cans of beer). The “snog” and pretty much all of the comments they’ve come out with have made me feel very uncomfortable. After the encounter with my father in law I escaped with my girl upstairs and had a private word with hubby about the wet kisses she had the unfortunate experience of receiving, but I feel as though I’m going crazy throughout this visit!! Also having some major Mummy guilt!! Where is the eject button for visitors?! 😫

EDIT - they live 4 hours away and don’t visit often,