ex heartache ..

hi, so my ex said those things august 3rd. we texted that night. i was visiting home so after he sent those texts ... i got some hope.. idk why i let myself believe he’d want to be together again. its been a bit over a year since we split. i just got so hopeful and i wanted us to be .. how we once were. and he said he had to get over me again too. and i don’t understand. i am so stupid. i brought it upon myself going to see him that night and sleeping with him but i just hoped... from what he said he had changed his mind 😔 it’s been 2 weeks and i’m still so broken up about it. i know it’s my fault. and i brought it upon myself but i just .. i’m so heartbroken and i can’t seem to forget him.. but anyways i was wondering what you guys thought of him and his texts... what he said... and maybe some advice because i am so lost....