Am I wrong?


his friends will text my phone when they are playing cards and last week I responded “he isn’t here right now and payday isn’t until Thursday.” They text today that they were playing cards at 8 and I responded “ok were helping his sister move so we’re still in Greensboro” which is about 30 minutes away. When we got in the car he said oh yeah when they text don’t text back because they told me that you text saying I wasn’t home and payday wasn’t till Thursday and that you came off rude... so when they text just don’t text back cause if they say something to you I ain’t gonna say nothing to them.. which made me feel like they are more important than his unborn child and I. I also feel that his friends saying anything to me would be disrespectful but for him to not step in would be even worse. So I told him to tell them not to text my phone anymore then... I’m just upset 1 that they said I was rude and 2 because he said he wasn’t gonna say anything to them if they said something to me... but I was never rude in the first place... my feelings are just really hurt.. and even tho it’s something so small iT really makes me question if I want to stay in this relationship or not. I’m asking if my response that he wasn’t home and pay day wasn’t until Thursday was rude? And am I wrong for telling him to tell them not to text my phone for him anymore.. and do I have the right to be upset with him for his response that he would allow them to say something to me and not intervene? I don’t need smart remarks or rude comments. I’m almost 8 months pregnant and home alone all day just looking for a lended ear...