Are my dates correct?? 21 DPO and 15 days late period


Is this correct?? Im using Natural Cycles to track my cycles. Heres the timeline of dates:


7th - 11th July (5 days) - last normal period.

19-20th July (2 days) - light “bleeding” pantyliner used (logged as spotting)

28th July - OVULATION (according to Natural Cycles app)

4th - 7th/8th August - expected period due according to NC app *15 days late*

10th Aug - pjnk/brown spotting with milky discharge

11-12th Aug (2 days) - light/medium bleeding with intense cramps

So this would put me 21 days past ovulation and 15 days late for my period.

My periods are usually 4-5 days with heavy progressive bleeding over the first two days, followed by medium/light to spotting or stopping.

The one thing that made me question my period was the things I was experiencing: nausea, bloating, gas, backaches, headaches, frequent toilet visits, ravenous hunger, deep tiredness and body weakness.

Ive never had this before, i have a normal regular cycle.

My average cycle is 26 days.

Im so confused and anxiously scared. Is this sounding/looking correct??

Thanks for your help!