A girls basketball team panhandling outside a walmart


Ok so my husband and I encountered a group of kids outside a Walmart with small buckets and a single sign for each side. It was for a high school female basketball team and they were asking for money.

My husband and I disagreed about this setup so I wanted to get some other opinions because now I'm curious if maybe I'm just the bitchy one.

So I didn't want to give them any money because I feel it was just a totally lazy solution to a team short on funds and my husband argued they are just trying to solve a shortage of funds. What happened to bake sales or car washes or coupon books etc etc. These kids were literally just standing outside mostly on their phones chatting with their friends/teammates. And it wasn't even for a trip or gear (it may have been but all they did was ask for.money for the team.) Who's to know if it would even be for the team.

So I put it to you awesome ladies. Thoughts? Suggestions for the team?

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