Night time eating help


Alright ladies. About to lose my mind. My 7 wk old sleeps tremendous from her last bottle before bed (about 8-830) and will sleep until 1-2am. After that it is downhill. She struggles to eat even an oz at night as she falls asleep and then is up every hour after that. So 3am, 4am etc. she wants to eat, eats again about 1-1.5oz and falls asleep and repeat. As soon as it is 630am though she is eating 3 oz again. If I could just get her to take a full bottle with her first wake up I feel like she would then sleep another 3 or so hours but it has been like this for weeks now. I try changing her diaper, messing with her feet, unzipping her pjs some etc etc. what do I do. Im at a loss and need sleep.