
Ok so I'm really catholic and when I mean catholic I mean really catholic, like church every Sunday, pray before meals and before driving anywhere. I've kind of got it forced upon me cause of my parents and how they were raised very religiously and sometimes it puts so much pressure on me. Anyway, I recently just learned that maaturbating is a sin in the Christianity religion, and hinselty I find it kindw bullshit because you're not losing your virginity, you're just pleasuring yourself. I'm 15 and I mstsurbate and I talk about this with my friends but idk if I should feel bad and stop it bevahse it's against Christianity. And it's not like I haven't sinned before, I definetly have, it's just that all my Christian freinds feel different about it.

And I think many of you will say no don't stop just because the bible says to, and I don't know what to do.

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