Co-sleeping with two??


My husband and I already co sleep with our 10 month old but I’m due with our second March 22nd. I want to co-sleep with the newborn too but i don’t want to force our son out of our bed.

My husband works as a full time firefighter/EMT and he is gone about four days out of the week and is home full time at least three days of the week. So usually the master bed is used by my son and I.

I just don’t know how to move him to his own bed and if I do I want to go ahead and move him in a toddler bed. We don’t use cry it out and we don’t plan to and I haven’t heard of any other ways to get them to sleep where they should.

I breastfed our son for 9 months until I got pregnant and my milk dried up so we plan to breastfeed the new baby too so it will be easiest to have the new baby sleep with us.
