Feeding Advice


My LO is going to be 10 months old this week and I feel like I’m doing this feeding thing all wrong. She still drinks 30-36 ounces of breastmilk a day. She used to eat 6oz of purées and some puffs each day, but in the last week she doesn’t even finish 4oz of purées a day and wants more and more puffs. She had a really hard time with chewing foods and just got confident with eating puffs. She can now eat scrambled eggs and pieces of banana too, but she will only eat a few bites of those and want to be done. I hear all of these other moms say that their babies are eating three meals and 2 snacks a day already. What should I be feeding my LO?? Also what table food is best to start with and how do you prepare those things? I’m going to talk to her doctor this week at her 9 month appointment, but I’m still curious to hear what you all have to say.