Ok i need help y’all


Ok so i get anxiety when i take my 5 month old out. Not because i fear for his safety, but because I’m terrified he’s going to have a crying fit and be inconsolable. Sometimes he’s had these fits where he’s screaming crying at the top of his lungs and absolutely nothing stops him unless we just put him down to sleep. And it’s only when we’re out, so all trips are remaining short. You can imagine the stares i get if we’re surrounded by people.

“Does he need a diaper change?” No

“Is he hungry?” Nope

“Is he tired?” Absolutely. But he will not sleep here.

He’s a kid all about routine. So I’m thinking when he’s taken out of his normal routine he doesn’t want to nap, which leads to being over tired, which means he’s fighting sleep, then cue the screams.

I don’t know what to do! I find myself just not wanting to leave the house with him. I know that’s the wrong answer because he NEEDS to be taken out and to see the world. But i just get so stressed out about it.

Recently my husband came home from deployment and the FRG did this surprise coming home thing for them at their company and told us to be there at 2:30 because that’s when they’ll land. Me knowing the army i left at 2:30 knowing they will be late and it’s less time that my son and i will have to spend in the heat and a ton of other kids and people running around. Well i got there at like 3 and they did t come back until 6 🤦‍♀️ by the time my husband got there this boy was absolutely echoing the song of his people and it was actually pretty embarrassing as i saw people whispering as we rushed out to get him home.

I’m basically asking either for advice, or reassurance that this is normal and i need to get over 😩😂