There is something wrong

There is something wrong with me. I dont know what. All my friends say that I am acting weird. My husband gets mad at me because nothing gets done. I feel like I cant do anything right. I feel like a tarrable mom, wife and friend. I dont want to even go outside. It was my favorite thing to do. I used to be nice to my cats but now I yell at them. My husband keeps telling me to cut the cord that he wants attention too. And I feel so over welmed.i have no motivation at all. I dont want to do anything. I dont want to admit there is something wrong but when my dr asks I say I am doing good. I am scared that if I say something they're going to take my son away. I want to bash my head in to a wall. I want my husband to hug me. I want my husband to stop saying he hates our child. I want him to stop telling me I am on my own with him.