You tell me...


I’ve always thought I had endo. I went as far as I could go with tests & ultrasounds, but Drs said I’d have to have surgery if I wanted to know for sure & if I’d be able to have kids. The only thing the ultrasound found was a lot of little fibroids that could be the reason for the cramps. I still get crippling migraines.

When I first got my period it was extremely painful. I’d faint, get cold sweats, heavy super dark red bleeding, chunks of clots?, moods were nightmares, etc. I got on BC and everything went away. I think the Dr. said the pill I was on was for patients who just had endo surgery. It’s been 6 or 7 years now. I still get cramps that take my breath away but everything else has leveled out.

Does ANY of this sound like endo?! THANK YOU!