Any advice or insight

So before my husband and I decided to start TTC I had been on birth control for over a decade. So I’m still trying to full under my natural cycle. As of right now my cycle has been exactly 28 days with ovulation on day 17. I know a normal ovulation for a 28 day cycle is day 14. I know endo can cause me to struggle to get pregnant or keep me from getting pregnant all together. I’m wanting to know if the cycle I’m having is a symptom of endo or if the cycle itself is normal, abnormal, will cause me to struggle more with ttcing. Should I be concerned that I ovulate later than normal? And any idea what causes me to ovulate later? I also have endometriosis so does that have anything to do with my cycle being considered abnormal from others? I know my post probably doesn’t seem to flow. My mind is so jumbled and I’m struggling to figure out exactly what to ask. Thanks for any advice


I have endometriosis

My cycle is exactly 28 days

Ovulation on the 17th day

Why is my 28 day cycle different from others?

Does the endo itself effect when I ovulate?

Will ovulate on day 17 change my chances of getting pregnant?

Any other thoughts on why my cycle is this way and any problems it could cause?