Lmao off does my MIL think it’s a competition?

We were at a little get together my MIL and her husband were there and a old friend of the family. Me and my husband have been together 11 years married for 6 months(got together at 15). My MIL met her husband 2 years ago and immediately got married so married about 1 years and 8 months.

This old family friend was congratulating us and saying wow you guys have been together since teenagers and whatnot and saying I remember when you first started dating such a long time ago. He asked how long we’ve been together and we said 11 years he then turned to my MIL and asked how long she has been with her husband and she said 2 years but then immediately said but we have been married longer then they have ( she said this very snooty and almost in a insulting way). It made the mood kind of uncomfortable in my opinion does it sound like she thought it was a competition?