15 month old bedtime and sleep

Hi just looking for some advice from others...

Our 15 month old HATES sleep. She was such a great sleeper until she was about 7 months old (always slept through from 10-8 at night) when she started waking once at night at about 1am. I cuddled/fed and put her back down in her cot and that was fine.

At 8 months old she got a sickness bug and was ill for about a week. This meant she’d go to sleep and then wake to throw up and then feed and repeat. We also got it too. Just as she was getting over this she started cutting her bottom 2 teeth so again was waking. About 2 weeks after the bug she started with a cold that then developed in to a chest infection and conjunctivitis and ended up on anti biotics. She was coughing so much she could barely breathe at times. This lasted about 3 weeks before she got better for a week or so. She then had another sickness bug just before we went on holiday that again lasted a week on and off. So by the time she was 11 months old she’d been ill in one way or another for nearly 3 months. This also tied in with when I went back to work and she started the childminder. I was so exhausted between her being ill and ending up ill myself that we ended up with her in bed with us or I ended up taking her in to the spare bed to sleep with me. We also would nurse to sleep.

We’ve finally got to a place where she falls asleep in her cot but sometimes it takes 5 minutes to settle her and sometimes it takes 45 minutes- there seems to be nothing that we do differently that helps sort this. She also gets hysterical some nights of my husband tries to put her down but other nights is fine with this. She tends to wake by 2 am and 5.30 am (on a good night) wanting feeding (we are still breastfeeding as she just won’t stop) and although I’ve tried refusing as I’d like to night wean because work is stressful and hard going on lack of sleep she won’t have it.

I know she’s likely to outgrow this at some point but it’s at the point where we dread bedtime and dread the night. My husband can’t even go in to her in the night to help with the night weaning as she just screams at him until I go in. I should also mention she stayed with my parents for 6 nights while me and hubs went to New York a few weeks back for our honeymoon and they said she went to bed fine by 7.45-8.15 each night (she refuses until 9-9.30 here) and that she slept through til 6 most nights and that when she did wake it was only to stir for maybe 1 minute at a time.

Just feel like a complete failure and don’t know how to help my little girl sleep well 😕😩 any help greatly appreciated!