being a mother to seven?! 🤷🏼‍♀️😭😭🙃🤪

Mommy_of_Se7Ven • | proud wife 💍 | proud mother to six babies & one on the way | 💕 married to the daddy of my babies

I love being my babies momma! it’s really stressful and hard at times! but after 2 babies; you get the hang of having time for yourself, getting sleep when they sleep; and going around THEIR schedule!! lol. I have a 3 year old, 2 year old and a 1 year old and i’m currently pregnant and due January 20-21,2020!

My first son Kash, wasn’t planned at all but i still did everything for him no matter what! i got tired and exhausted, peed on, popped on, spit up on, and i never got to get “ ready “ or take showers or really had time to eat! i was single at this moment in my life and i remember sitting there crying on the floor helpless. when he wouldn’t stop because i felt bad and i felt like a bad momma cause i tried everything and didn’t know what else to do! i gradually just went with my instincts as time went on! i got into a super abusive relationship and we ended up conceiving his half brother Kaine; they were k1 & k2.

we ended up splitting up because i left him for basically being a douche bag. here i was 25; single mommy of two in diapers. January 20 and November 30th. they were both born in the year of 2016. whew! talk about HARDER! i had my hands full even more!! but i got into a pediatrician right away and asked all the questions i wanted to know and got tips from gals from where i live and made it a little easier!

a couple years went by and i met my husband whom knew my first son when he was 2 months old and since then ; Kashs dad didn’t even acknowledge him so kash knew my husband as his daddy! my ex was into hardcore drugs and didn’t care and always getting locked up!

later on in october 2017 we conceived for baby derek! this was much easier at the time because my 3 year old was two and my 2 year old was 1 so they already were getting into learning and playing together and getting to be independent. i found myself getting to take care of myself again and my husband helped me throughout it all even when i was single and a mommy of two!!!

he has three children from his previous marriage and they are 12, 8, and 6. two boys and a girl!

me and my husband are currently expecting with our second baby! but we call it our seventh!



Baby D.

Baby number 2 for hubby and i; but number 7.

this photo was before baby d but the three other babies aiden daymien and josie girl xoxo 😘